
Tattoo Removal

$250 per session

This is a great alternative to laser tattoo removal because the treatment is not colour selective. It acts on all colour pigments. Blue eyebrows? Red eyebrows? Bad lip outline? Not a problem.

This unique process of pigment extraction is done in the same way as the original tattoo. But instead of implanting ink into the skin, a gentle yet concentrated saline based solution is used. This salty solution will bring the pigment up to the surface (similar to how salt water makes you float) and form a scab. Once the scab comes off, a lot of the colour comes off with it.

Generally, about 3-6 sessions are needed to lighten a dense tattoo enough to be able to cover it with a fresh tattoo. More sessions my be needed to completely remove a tattoo. Package deals are available, so have a chat with us to see how we can help!

An appointment takes approximately 1.5 hours. Sessions can only be done every 8 weeks to give the skin plenty of time to heal in between.




Tattoo Removal


If you have a freshly done cosmetic tattoo that you would like to have removed, please send us a text immediately and we will try and fit you in ASAP. This treatment will need to be done straight away. It will not work after 48hrs as the skin will have started its healing process.

Ph: 0405 816 886

(There is no guarantee that the emergency removal will remove 100% of your tattoo. An additional session might be required. Standard removal fees apply.)