
  • It is recommended to eat something before your appointment to make sure your blood sugar levels stay stable during the procedure.

  • Avoid alcohol for 24hrs before your appointment. Alcohol can thin the blood, which can cause the skin to be hypersensitive, and bleed/ bruise easily.

  • Avoid blood thinning medications for 72hrs before your appointment. This includes ibuprofen, aspirin and fish oil tablets. Please consult your doctor if this is an issue.

  • If you have EVER had a cold sore (even just once in your life), you will need to get an antiviral medication like Valtrex 500mg. This will need to be taken once a day for about 10 days (4 days prior to your appointment, on the day of, and 5 days after). You can get your script from your local GP or online from This is an extremely important step in your lip tattoo journey. There is a very high chance of a cold sore outbreak if not medicated, which would result in an uncomfortable healing period for you as well as a patchy lip tattoo.

  • You may like to take an antihistamine tablet before your procedure. This can help reduce the swelling. Consult with your pharmacist or doctor first.

  • If considering lip fillers, it would be best to have your lips tattooed first and your fillers injected after. If you implant colour too soon you will be implanting colour above the natural line. When the lips shrink and return to normal size, the lip line will be off.


Immediately after the treatment, lips will be slightly swollen and tender. You can apply an icepack to reduce swelling and soothe the area.

Apply aftercare balm every hour or as often as possible to keep lips moist for the first 10 days. This will help with tenderness, as well as holding in the colour. If you do not apply enough balm, your lips will become tight and pigmentation will come out.

Important Reminders

  • Always apply your aftercare balm before showering to protect your lips from the water

  • Do not pick, wipe or lick lips. They will exfoliate on their own, usually after 3-4 days

  • Avoid greasy, spicy and oily foods as well as citrus fruits and juices for the first 7 days as this can change the lip colour

  • Do not use citrus/fruit based lips balms or lipstick until your lips are completely healed (approx. 4 weeks)

  • Be careful when cleaning your teeth for the first 7 days. Toothpaste can pull the pigment colour out of the lip vermilion

  • No kissing or direct water for 3 days (drink through a straw)

  • If you are taking cold sore medication, please continue to do so for 5 days post treatment